"Journey Out At High Speed -- Sudden Discoveries and A Family Considers How to Create Their New Lives"
RuthAnn grew up in American Fork, UT and never strayed from the path. In high school she was
voted, "Most likely to Wanna Take Home to Momma" and represented the State of Kentucky as Young
Mother of the Year in 2011. Kenn founded the consulting firm Bigger Gains International in 2004, (Home
of the Raw Personality Indicator )
During their devout years, Kenn and
RuthAnn had a very unique approach to missionary work. They had self-identified first and foremost
as missionaries in the Lord's kingdom. Their very unique approach to sharing the gospel led to many
baptisms in the past twenty years... including, most recently, a 64 yr. old African American Baptist Minister
in TX.
Of particular interest the Conference will be an experience that shook their faith to the core. After
contacting someone who serves in a high capacity in the church hierarchy (who has asked that his name
not be used), they were surprisingly granted a meeting and had a very intense two-hour conversation with
him at his home. RuthAnn and Kenn came prepared with many questions, and they were very surprised
at some of the candid answers. Married almost twenty years, Kenn and RuthAnn are the parents of
five children. The family resigned from the church in April 2014 and these parents are grateful to be
navigating this path together with their children.
After much consideration, they feel that others need to know what took place, have decided to share what
was said, while still protecting the anonymity of this person. They will also share what they have found to
be a most valuable "aha" in their process...the re-construction, and embracing of core values outside of
any institutional loyalties!