2008 Conference Multimedia
The Exmormon Foundation 2008 Conference, "I Went To The Woods", was once again recorded and archived to this page for your convenience. If you wish to save these files to your iPod or other mobile audio device or hard drive, right-click the "Download" links and select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As".
We streamed the conference live for second time, and a great deal of people tuned in to listen. We hope you had as much fun as we did, and would love to see you next year!
The opinions of all speakers are their own, and do not necessarily represent the official position of The Exmormon Foundation or its representatives. We provide the forum; the speakers provide the content.
Video Archives from 2008 Conference can be found on YouTube, under Exmormon Foundation Conference.
Click here to view
Audio Archives from 2008 Conference
Welcome, Introduction, and Greetings
Friday Open-Mic
Leading the Way: Experiences of former 'Part Ex-Mo' Families
Lying For The Lord
Releasing The Bonds: Empowering People To Think For Themselves
Science, Homosexuality, and Mormonism
Diary Of A Mad Mormon Housewife
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Chased Out Of Mormonism
Awakening From The Addiction
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Sunday Open-Mic
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